

Taxasoft started in 1993 with a set of programs for Plant Taxonomy, written in C for DOS operating system by Eric J. Gouda. The DELTA editor became widely used under DELTA users because there was not a good alternative, and it took many years before an editor became available for the Windows environment. We never made the step toward Windows program development, but when the use of online WWW Apps became more popular, we took the opportunity to develop more software for Plant Data and Taxonomy.

Online Programs

We have several programs available for Plant Taxonomy and Plant Data, like databases and Plant picture Galleries and discussion pannels.
  1. Open Source DeltaXML Project, a database approach with a XML version of the DELTA file definition
  2. Taxonomic Database Interface, fully config driven, that can be extended with all kind of functionality (field and table functions).
  3. The Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads, a monographic work on Bromeliaceae, including Taxonomic data, Descriptions, Identification Keys, Images etc.
  4. Plant picture and discussion Galleries, FloraPix
  5. Bromeliad Cultivar Register (BCR) managed by the Bromeliad Society International (BSI)
  6. Bromeliad Species Database (BSD) managed by the Bromeliad Society International (BSI)
  7. Members only section of the BSI, making all kind of sources (e.g. electronic Journals) available for members and non members


If you are interested in one of the projects listed above, feel free to contact me at

Updated January 07 2022 16:17